This month’s featured pose is Garbhasana or Fetus Pose. The name of the pose is derived from the terms “garbha” or womb and “asana” o...

This month’s featured pose is Garbhasana or Fetus Pose. The name of the pose is derived from the terms “garbha” or womb and “asana” o...
To break down the Sanskrit name, Dwi means two, pada means leg and sirsa means head...
To break down the Sanskrit name, Dwi means two, pada means leg and sirsa means head.
Dwi Pada Sirsasana is similar to Yoga Nidrasana / Yogic Sleeping pose and is also...The term Paripurna Ustrasana comes from the following Sanskrit terms – “Paripurna” meaning complete or full, and “ustra” meaning camel. This pose and the beginne...
“Kukkuta” is the Sanskrit word for cockerel or rooster, and Kukkutasana mimics a rooster in a standing position. In Utthita Kukkutasana, the knees are placed next to the armpit inste...
Pincha Mayuransa is mainly a backward bending pose; it is similarly a tripod balancing pose having both hands and chin on the ground.
The Sanskrit name of the pose co...