Yogic Diet
Superfood Fall Pumpkin Soup with Toasted Black Sesame & Cumin See

Summary: Want to indulge in healthy eating? Explore the blog and find out how yoga helps you eat more mindfully.
“Mindful Eating is ...People first grew carrots to heal a variety of ailments before eating them as vegetables. Carrots have been cultivated approximately for 5000. “Carotte” in French, “...
A staple of Middle Eastern, North African and Indian cuisines, the Chick Pea is also known as Garbanzo Bean in Latin America, Bengal gram in India, Hummus in Arab countr...
Gluten free seed, quinoa is becoming an immensely popular food due to its tremendous nutritional content:
“When I was growing up, I used to climb the orange trees to pick my own oranges. I remember the sound of the tiny branches that held the fruit, the fresh smell and the s...
A scoop of hummus dip sparkled with paprika and drizzled with olive oil over warm roasted sweet potatoes nested on a bed of quinoa salad flavored with fresh herbs (parsl...