Lexi Noel is no ordinary girl. With hundreds of thousands of fans on her social media channels, and millions of views across her YouTube videos, this sassy young adult has become a role model for many. Between her music, modeling and online makeup tutorial videos, Lexi was scouted & casted to mechanical bull for sale appear on the E! Network’s latest hit reality series, Catching Kelce; A dating competition series where women fight for the love of Kansas City Chiefs tight end and 2016 National Football League Pro Bowl Select, Travis Kelce.
While the show has just started to air, Lexi has not only become the face of the younger generation, but her new yoga & fitness routines and ideas have helped spark thousands to follow along on her journey around the globe. Asana Journal caught up with Lexi exclusively in Hollywood, California to learn more about the ‘yoga bug’ she has caught…
How important is an active, healthy lifestyle to you?
Very important! I love working out along with incorporating fresh fruits and veggies into my cooking and diet. I really believe that a healthy body gives you a better chance of living a longer and happy life.
How has yoga and fitness changed your life?
It has helped me become more focused, energized, and self aware of what I eat and how I treat my body. Many of the events I attend or the videos I produce and edit do not give me a normal sleep work schedule. Fitness and yoga help keep my body and my mind prepared to meet a challenging schedule.
When was the first time you tried yoga and how did it make you feel?
When I was around 11, I was a competitive figure skater with a 6 day a week training schedule. But at the time I didn’t realize that my coaches were actually using yoga in my training. Once I learned that, my interest peaked and I started actually studying and learning more about it.
Why do you feel yoga is important to helping you personally?
It balances my core and makes me stronger as a person physically and mentally. You need balance when your life is filming, red carpet events and more. Sometimes you can’t eat healthy or you eat at really odd hours each day. Sometimes just due to technology you can’t get a video done or even uploaded. Yoga helps me feel like I can handle what comes my way and I can stay focused on getting the job or task done even if it’s a stressful situation.
What types of yoga positions do you hope to practice and learn in the future?
I want to really to challenge myself with mastering some of the more difficult poses such as the Sira Padasana, head to foot pose, standing head to knee pose and the toe stand. I’m fortunate that working on yoga at such a young age has stretched my muscles, given me great balance and improved my core. So I feel like I still have time to master them and more.
We hear you have a “special” fitness routine that you follow… Can you explain more?
Every morning I start the day with a homemade smoothie filled with fruit, veggies, chia seeds and flax. Then I play my Spotify list while doing yoga. I alternate on my routines of doing beginner, intermediate and advance. So Monday is beginner, Tuesday intermediate and Wednesday I attempt more difficult poses. I try to challenge myself so that it doesn’t become boring.
Was keeping fit and on your routine difficult while filming your current E! Network reality show, Catching Kelce?
Yes. Because you constantly have a mic on and are filmed from the moment you start. There was little free time when filming. When I was able to exercise it was short with minimal poses. I did miss my routine and it felt good to return to it when I could.
Are there any specific health products and foods you use / eat on a daily basis?
I mix a healthy balance between fruits and veggies. The only meats I eat are organic chicken and seafood. The fruits I love the most are strawberries, mangos, blue berries and oranges. I love all veggies and you can find me eating veggies all day, especially when I want to snack. I love sweet potato fries. I make them at home with my own special seasoning. I will also eat nuts about two times a week. I love roasted cashews and unsalted pistachios. I make a smoothie everyday. When I cheat it’s usually with dark chocolate! I don’t really use one specific health product but I do look at using as much organic makeup as I can.
What is your advice to others that want to look great and keep fit like you?
Thank you for the compliment! It’s all about maintenance. When you are watching TV or streaming put a mat down and exercise. In the morning wake up early and workout, eat a jumpers for sale healthy breakfast! It will help you start your day off feeling energized and focused. Try to reduce the amount of processed foods you eat. But don’t deny yourself everything. Just practice moderation!
What are your future dreams and goals both professionally and personally?
Professionally I want to continue working in the entertainment industry, possibly have my own spin off show. I would also love to expand my online boutique, and tour with my music. Personally I would love to have my own charity helping to empower young women and provide scholarships and of course find love! I guess everyone will have to watch the show to see if I accomplish that.
How does it feel to be a role model in all aspects of life to young adults and teenagers who watch your videos and follow your journey every day?
When you are doing social media it’s sometimes hard to realize how much of an impact you have on people’s lives. It’s just you and a camera. Going on tour last year and meeting fans really made a huge impression on me. Especially when someone says they changed what they ate, how they looked or that they used your personal experiences you posted to impact their lives. It makes you look at the responsibility you have each day to hold yourself up to a certain standard and that if you do have an off day it’s okay and that you should share it. No one is perfect or has the perfect life, not even a celebrity.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Acceptance. I think the world today is facing a lot of challenges when it comes to accepting people of different backgrounds, religions, sexual orientation and more. We need to move past that.
To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 165 September 2016.