Chakra (The Whirlpool of Prana)

Aug 13th, 2017

Definition of Charkra

The word, chakra, literally means “wheel” or a ”circle”, at the same time emphasizing on the function. One can say that a chakra is a ”whirlpool”.

According to the psychic physiology of Yoga, chakras are the psychic centres of energy (prana) at specific areas in the body which control and govern the circulation of energy in the whole human structure. These are energy centres which make up our subtle body or emotional body.

At the physical level, these chakras are associated with the major nerve plexuses and the endocrine glands in the body. Each chakra has a profound effect on a specific gland and it helps in enhancing the functioning of the gland in a major way.

Meaning of Chakra

Chakras are the full potential ability of a person. It is so believed that one By Anurag Kapil can reach the highest form of consciousness progressively by activating these chakras. In science, it has been proven that an average person uses a very small fraction of the brain and other areas of the brain remain dormant. Gaining mastery over the inflatable water slide chakra system and using the focus of the mind as a tool to influence the energy flow of a chakra helps a person to grow in the psychic realm exploring the hidden potential of the brain. This in turn awakens the psychic and mental bodies, making it possible for one to experience higher planes of consciousness which are normally inaccessible. The chakras mainly are seven in number.

• Mooladhara
• Swadhisthana
• Manipure
• Anahata
• Vishuddhi
• Ajna
• Sahasrara

Yogic Chakra Symbolsim and Basic Attributes of the Chakras

As per yogic traditions, various different methods of symbolizing chakras can be used. Here we will go through the basic and easy to understand method of symbolizing a chakra at the same time understanding the experience of locating a chakra. Furthermore, we shall go into the activation of each individual chakra influencing the recognition of spirituality of our being as it is the main objective of realizing the meaning of each chakra. Also we will in brief put some light on the attributes of each chakra, which in general means the state of personality one carries for when a certain chakra is active in that person. This process of chakra energy influencing our daily life is a spontaneous and never ending process.

Mooladhara Chakra (The Root Chakra)

The word, Mooladhara, comes from two words: the first, MOOLA (root), and the second ADHARA (support). Therefore, the Sanskrit word, Mooladhara, means the supportive root or the basic substratum. This chakra is the main aspect of the fundamentals of human existence. This is the centre where people are totally self-aware; or we can say more self centreed.

When the emotions, thoughts and actions are directed into attaining appropriate measure of security in the world, the general characteristics of behaviour in a person of active first chakra is or can be explained, as they are more solid and strong in their ideas of security in the form of food and shelter, job, money etc. The chakra is influenced by earth element; hence like the element, they are strong and endure all kinds of hardships, and are productive.

Location: Male – It is located in the centre between the anus and the sexual organ.
Female – It is located at the cervix where the vagina and the uterus join.

Element: Earth
Color of the Element: Yellow
Aspect: Security
Seed Sound (beeja mantra): Lum
Predominant Sense: Smell
Sense Organ: Nose
Prana: Apana
Number of Petals: Four
Colour of the Petals: Red

Traditional Symbology

The symbol of the Mooladhara Chakra is a large square with a four petal lotus. In the centre of the lotus is a yellow square smaller in size, supported by an elephant with seven trunks. These seven trunks symbolise the seven minerals responsible for the physical functioning; these are called SAPTA DHATU in sanskrit. The yellow square has a red inverted triangle as the symmbol of shakti representing the productive creative inflatable obstacle course energy. Inside the triangle is a Shiva lingam called the SWAYAMBHU LINGAM which is smokey grey in colour. Around the Shiva lingam is a three and half coiled serpent in the form of KUNDALINI with its head rising high. The three coils relate to the three basic attributes of our nature which are RAJAS,TAMAS, SATTWA; and the half coil represents the potential of transcendence. The rising head means the ascend of kundalini Shakti. Below the serpent is the Sanskrit letter of the seed sound lum.

We will go through the other chakras in the forthcoming issues.

Asana Journal

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