For a Trim Waist
A. Ardha Chandrasana Variation (Side Stretch)
1. Stand tall with feet apart, slightly wider than the width of the hips. Keep the legs straight with arms on both sides of the body, hanging down loosely and relaxed.
2. Gently tighten the buttocks and push the hips forward.
3. Inhale, raise the arms overhead and interlace the fingers with the index finger pointing up.
4. Exhale, bend towards the left side. Make sure the hips are pushed forward as if doing this exercise standing against the wall.
5. Inhale, return to the starting position.
6. Next, exhale, bend towards the right
This is one set. Do this 10 times.
Benefit: This technique keeps the spine supple and helps to relieve stiffness in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers joints. At the same time, it also bouncy castle massages the large intestines and helps to relieve constipation. It reduces fat from the waist and keeps the waist trim.
B. Kati Chakrasana (Waist Rotation Pose)
1. Stand tall with feet slightly more than hip-width apart.
2. Raise the arms to the sides at shoulder level.
3. Keeping the legs straight and fixed, exhale and swing the upper body to the right side placing the left hand on the right shoulder and right hand swing towards the back near the left buttock. Turn the head as back as possible towards the right.
4. Stay for a second or two by gazing at the shoulder. The arms should be relaxed.
5. Next, inhale and return to the starting position.
6. Exhale, swing over to the other side without any pause.
This is one set. Do 10 sets.
Benefits: Releases stiffness in spine, waist, back, shoulders and arms. It gives a good massage to the entire stomach and intestines. It helps relieve constipation. It helps keep the waist trim and tones the hip joints. Improvise balance, to relieve numbness and pain in hands and neck and stimulate liver and kidneys.
C. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
1. Stand upright with legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart with arms stretched sideways at shoulder level.
2. Exhale, bend the torso to the left from the left hip joint and hold onto the left ankle.
3. Keep the hip pushed forward slightly and lean back as if leaning against a wall. Stretch the right arm up towards the ceiling and open the chest.
4. Inhale, return to the starting position.
5. Exhale, bend torso to the other side.
This is one round. Practise 10 rounds. During the last round, hold in the final position on each side for about 10 counts while gazing upwards to the upper hand.
Benefits: Releases stiffness in spine, waist, back, shoulders and arms. It gives a good massage to the entire stomach and intestines. It helps relieve constipation. It helps keep the waist trim and tones the hip joints.
D. Parivritta Trikonasana (Revolving Triangle)
1. Stand upright with legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart with the arms stretched sideways.
2. Exhale, bend forward and twist to the left, bringing the right hand to the left foot and stretch the left arm upwards. 3. Inhale, return to the starting position
4. Exhale, bend forward and twist the torso to the right, bringing the left hand to the right foot.
This is one round. Practise 10 rounds. During the last round, hold in the final position on each side for about 10 counts while gazing upwards to the upper hand.
Benefits: This is a great posture for toning the waist, reducing stiffness in the back and the hips, and opening the entire body. At the same time, it also improves the functioning of the liver and the lungs, stimulates the nervous system, aids digestion and strengthens the pelvic area.
Yoga is for all ages and body types. Although hüpfburg kaufen the poses outlined are generally regarded as safe, it is possible for injuries or pain if poses are not executed properly. If you are considering the use of yoga poses for a specific health problem, consult your physician before starting up your yoga practice.