Step 1 : Pranamasana (Salutation Pose)
Step: Stand Tall with the palms in Anjali Mudra in front of the chest and gaze straight at the eye level.
Mantra: Om Mitraya Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Helps Improve Strength, Stability, Self Confidence and Courage
Step 2 : Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
Step: Inhale, raise the arms over the head and extend the spine up and arch the back as much as possible. Slightly bend the knees.
Mantra: Om Ravayae Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Vishuddhi Chakra
Benefits: Opens chest, shoulders; improves body alignment and strengthens the back muscles.
Step 3 : Nindra Paschimottanasana (Standing back stretch Pose)
Step: As you exhale, fold your body forward from your hips and hold the ankles. Extend the spine longer and inhale, lift the shoulders up. Gaze forward.
Mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha
Breathing: Exhale while doing the forward bend and then inhale to extend the spine.
Awareness: Swadhisthana Chakra
Benefits: Lengthens the hamstrings, opens the lower back. Activates dormant muscles in the back.
Step 4 : Parsvottana Veerasana (Sideways Stretching Warrior Pose)
Step: Bring the left leg back and place the right knee on top of the right heel. Slowly bend the left leg and lock the left foot to the left elbow. Slightly turn the torso to the left side and arch. Bring the right hand over the head and lock the fingers.
Mantra: Om Bhanavae Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Good stretch for the hips, quadriceps and strengthens the back and the legs.
Step 5 : Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Step: Place the palms in line with the shoulders and extend the arms, shoulders and the back up towards the hips. Bring the forehead closer to the floor.
Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Vissudhi Chakra
Benefits: Strengthens the arms and shoulders. Improves back and the hip alignment. Good Stretch for the hamstrings and calves.
Step 6 : Vasisthasana (Sage Vasistha Pose)
Step: Place the right hand on the floor and slowly raise the left hand up. Look up towards the ceiling. Engage the right side of the oblique muscles and lift hip up.
Mantra: Om Pushnae Namaha
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Awareness: Manipura Chakra
Benefits: Strengthens and tones up the arms, shoulders and obliques
Step 7 : Dhandasana ( Plank Pose)
Step: Place the palms straight below the shoulders and keep the back and the legs in a straight line. Engage the abdomen and the back muscles.
Mantra: Om Hiranya Garbaya Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Mooladhara
Benefits: Strengthens the arms and the shoulders. Improves the upper body strength.
Step 8 : Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ( Upward Facing Dog Pose)
Step: Press the palms on the floor and raise the chest forward and up towards the ceiling. Open the chest and raise the chin up. Engage the thighs and the buttocks muscles and keep the knees on the floor.
Mantra: Om Marichayae Namaha
Breathing: Inhale and exhale as you arch the back
Awareness: Swadhisthana Chakra
Benefits: Improves the flexibility of the spine and the ribs. Stretches and tones the abdomen and improves breathing capacity of the lungs.
Step 9 : Dhandasana ( Plank Pose)
Step: Place the palms straight below the shoulders and keep the back and the legs in a straight line. Engage the abdomen and the back muscles.
Mantra: Om Adityaya Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Mooladhara
Benefits: Strengthens the arms and the shoulders. Improves the upper body strength.
Step 10 : Vasisthasana (Sage Vasistha Pose)
Step: Place the Left hand on the floor and slowly raise the right hand up. Look up towards the ceiling. Engage the left side of the oblique muscles and lift hip up.
Mantra: Om Savitre Namaha
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Awareness: Manipura Chakra
Benefits: Strengthens and tones up the arms, shoulders and obliques
Step 11 : Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Step: Place the palms in line with the shoulders and extend the arms, shoulders and the back up towards the hips. Bring the forehead closer to the floor.
Mantra: Om Arkaya Namaha
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Vissudhi Chakra
Benefits: Strengthens the arms and shoulders. Improves back and the hip alignment. Good Stretch for the hamstrings and calves.
Step 12 : Parsvottana Veerasana (Sideways Stretching Warrior Pose)
Step: Bring the left leg forward and place the left knee on top of the left heel. Slowly bend the right leg and lock the right foot to the right elbow. Slightly turn the torso to the right side and arch. Bring the left hand over the head and lock the fingers.
Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Good stretch for the hips, quadriceps and strengthens the back and the legs.
Step 13 : Nindra Paschimottanasana (Standing back stretch Pose)
Step: As you exhale, fold your body forward from your hips and hold the ankles. Extend the spine longer and inhale, lift the shoulders up. Gaze forward.
Mantra: Om Devarajaya Namaha
Breathing: Exhale while doing the forward bend and then inhale to extend the spine.
Awareness: Swadhisthana Chakra
Benefits: Lengthens the hamstrings, opens the lower back. Activates dormant muscles in the back.
Step 14 : Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
Step: Inhale, raise the arms over the head and extend the spine up and arch the back as much as possible. Slightly bend the knees.
Mantra: Om Jaganathaya Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Vishuddhi Chakra
Benefits: Opens chest, shoulders; improves body alignment and strengthens the back muscles.
Step 15 : Pranamasana (Salutation Pose)
Step: Stand Tall with the palms in Anjali Mudra in front of the chest and gaze straight at the eye level.
Mantra: Om Sri Savitra Surya Narayanaya Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Helps Improve Strength, Stability, Self Confidence and Courage