“Old may not be gold…but definitely has a very good hold on present day interventions”, especially in the vast field of medicine. Health is not a bottle of “tonic” that can be had at two gulps a day to rest assured that one is away from diseases, because mere absence of disease is not “health”. Health is a way of life to be practiced. Both Ayurveda and Yogic science have become synonymous with health, long life and wellness. These ancient concepts bear excellent solutions for many of the challenges faced by the modern methods of treatment for the simple reason that the advancement in science has not only taken mankind away from discomfort but also from ‘nature’.
Ayurveda is composed of two words: “Ayur” meaning “life” and ‘veda’ meaning “science”, put together as “the science of life”. It is all about right way of living which invariably paves way to “preventive care” for maintenance of health in the healthy and holistic cure for the diseased.
In this modern world, the word Ayurveda makes one imagine either a well furnished spa or bottles of bitter tasting medicines. Unfortunately, this is a much deeper and holistic science that is requires greater understanding. The principles that drive these ancient treatment techniques can be put into the following bullet shots:
- Treats your entire body system not just the symptom.
- Includes actionable recommendations to eradicate the cause of the disease – just treating a symptom does not remove the cause.
- Ayurveda and yoga therapy are highly personalised based on individual’s body built, constitution, lifestyle, diet, environmental factors, etc and suits only for one particular person for that particular disease.
- Identifies lacuna in one’s way of living and corrects the same by giving highly valuable and practical solutions. For e.g., if you are a person working in night shifts, a warm glass of milk with a spoon of turmeric before you sleep after returning from work will help you prevent many lifestyle disorders.
To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 153 Sept 2015.