Here, I have designed some simple but effective exercises that strengthen your body both internally and externally. It not only helps improve digestion and elimination, it also strengthens your upper and lower abdominal muscles. Try it and feel the difference!
4. Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose)
1. From all fours, shift your weight back and sit on your heels with your arms in front of you in the Child’s Pose. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart with your shoulders relaxed.
2. As you inhale, press your palms down while you slide or move your body forward and place your pelvis on the ?oor.
3. Keep your buttocks tightened, palms ?at on the ?oor, elbows bent and tucked close to your body while you open your chest and lift your chin up to face the ceiling. Please keep your pelvis on the ?oor.
4. As you exhale, return to the Child’s Pose. This is one set.
Repeat 10 sets.
Benefits: The cobra pose is a wonderful exercise for strengthening your lower back and tricep muscles while relieving stiffness of the spine and back pain. At the same time, it also helps to keep your spine healthy and supple.
5. Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)
1. Lie on your abdomen with your legs together and chin on the ?oor. Interlace your thumbs together, with your palms facing upwards and place them underneath your pelvis.
2. As you inhale, raise both legs together while tightening your buttocks. Keep your feet together and hold for 5 seconds.
3. As you exhale, lower your legs to the ?oor. This is one set.
Practice 10 sets.
Benefits: This exercise is great for strengthening your hips, lower back muscles and tones your buttocks. At the same time, it massages your internal organs and alleviates constipation.
6. Boat Pose
1. Lie on your abdomen with your legs together and chin on the ?oor. Place your arms on both sides of your body with the palms facing down.
2. As you inhale, raise your chest and legs off the ?oor while tightening your buttocks. Keep your feet close together and hold for about 5 seconds.
3. As you exhale, lower your body and legs to the ?oor. This is one set.
Practice 10 sets
Benefits: This exercise is great for strengthening and toning your upper and lower back muscles and ?rms your buttocks. At the same time, it also massages your internal organs.