Pain is the most common associate during every woman’s menstrual cycle. However, pain to such an extent that it becomes intolerable and affects the normal routine during menstruation is called dysmenorrhoea. A certain amount of pain in the lower abdomen and back sometimes extending to the spine is normal and will revert by itself once the periods taper down, however, unbearable pain that calls for assistance to lead the normal activity in daily life requires medical attention. In a research study published in the Upsala journal of medical sciences, prevalence of dysmenorrhea and its effect on quality of life among a group of female university students was analysed. Kutahya is a semi-rural province situated in the western part of Turkey, with a population of 565,884. The socio-economic level of the city is average compared with other cities of the country. There are significant disparities in the socio-economic characteristics of the quarters of the city. The city includes one university and has a cosmopolitan structure in terms of student population. The university where the study was conducted, Dumlupinar University, has 19 faculties and colleges with about 30,000 students.
In this remarkable study, several factors that influence dysmenorrhea was revealed. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea among female students was relatively high throughout our study, reaching almost three-quarters (72.7%), and the Quality of Life scores showed a decrease in the presence of dysmenorrhea and with the increase in the severity of dysmenorrhea.
In a similar study by the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, to evaluate the prevalence of dysmenorrhea among the adolescents in the country, it was shown with data that dysmenorrhoea exists as a very common condition having a significant impact in the Hong Kong community, primary care doctors should reassure young women with dysmenorrhoea that it is a common experience in the same age-group. Health education on the existence of effective treatment from medical practitioners could help women whose dysmenorrhoea was not controlled by self-management…..
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