Artist: Sky Technology & Nova Fractal
Album Title: Goa Meditation Vol.1
Record Label: Timewarp Records
Availability: Beatport | Beatspace | Goastore | Psyshop | Spotify
Timewarp Records’ goal is to achieve the well-known practice of calming the body and mind by attaining the healing Alpha Wave state generated during Meditation. In volume one of the mind-expanding double disc compilation series titled ‘Goa Meditation’, the label continues to reach this goal with the help of a handful of talented composers, DJs and producers.
Label manager and Goa producer Nova Fractal teamed up with Timewarp recording artist. Sky Technology to compile this first volume, collaborating seamlessly where they discover and present a perfectly balanced selection of artists and their songs. The listener can expect great music from returning Timewarp regulars that inflatable water slide include a great variety of artists new to the label; presenting deep soothing mind-body excursions with top PsyChill and Sloa Goa Midtempo compositions. This team effort inspires the theme by extending the concept across many disciplines of crossed music genres which span from Downtempo Ambient Breakbeats, with hints of Psy Bass and Chill Step Psybient.
To compiler Dmytro Kolosovskiy aka Sky Technology, he is a well-known Ukraine psychedelic trance producer who comes from Kiev. Aside from his main style of melodic goa trance, composed with energetic beats, ethno motives, spiced with acid sounds, he also makes very powerful and emotional downtempo-ambient music. Sky Technology has two albums, two EP’s, a few compilation projects, as well as being featured in various comps under his belt, with a new album on the way, titled ‘Spirituality’.
Timewarp Records provides ASANA Journal readers with track 6th titled, ‘They Came in Peace’ as a free music download offer available via SoundCloud, the link below.
Artist Q&A w/ Sky Technology
Josh East: As the Goa Meditation compilation series concentrates on calming the body and mind, you must also practice a form of meditation. Can you tell ASANA Journal readers what type of meditation you enjoy taking on, and if you have added any yoga poses to your practice along the way?
Sky Technology: Yes, I do practice yoga regularly, taking about 7-8 minutes for each asana. My favorites are Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Shashankasana, Paschimottanasana, Setu Bandhasana and Matsyendra Virasana. For me, yoga is not only a physical exercise, but I take time to think about the things I want, how to be a better person, and the next move I want to take in life. Yoga and meditation combined, help me to stay in shape physically and spiritually.
Josh East: What can we expect from your upcoming full length release, ‘Spirituality’?
Sky Technology: The album is a result of my other side – downtempo, psy-ambient, project. I was trying to insert different sounds in each track so listeners can find some interest in that album, but keep the 10 tracks unified, spiritually. Each track tells a personal story with emotions, sounds and melodies. The album also contains three ethno-ambient tracks with ethno instruments and percussions, which will help the listener relax before and after the faster paced tracks play. While practicing asanas, my goal is for the listener to close their eyes, take a deep breath and feel the vibrations – listening with their heart and mind.
STREAM ALBUM & FREE DOWNLOAD for TRACK TITLE “They Came in Peace” – by Katedra
To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 165 September 2016.