1. Pranamasana Salutation Pose
Step: Stand tall with the feet together with the palms together in Anjali mudra in front of the chest.
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Helps improve strength, stability, self confidence, body balance
and courage.
Mantra: Om Mitraya Namaha
2.Ardha Chandrasana Half Moon Pose
Step: Inhale, raise the arms over the head and extend the spine up as much as
possible and arch the back.
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Swadhisthana Chakra
Benefits: Opens the chest, shoulders, improves body balance and strengthens the legs and back muscles.
Mantra: Om Ravayae Namaha
3.Pada Hasthasana Arms Joining the legs Pose
Step: Bend forward from the hips and lock the elbows behind the legs and lengthen the spine towards the floor.
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Opens the lower back and good stretch for the hamstrings and calf muscles.
Mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha
4.Parivrtta Aswasanchalanasana Revolved Equestrian Pose
Step: Bring the right leg back and keep the right knee straight and place the left knee above the left heel. Twist the body to the left side and stretch the left hand up towards the ceiling.
Breathing: Inhale and as you exhale twist the body to the left side
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Improves flexibility of the spine and strengthens and tones the legs. Improves bowel movement.
Mantra: Om Bhanavae Namaha
5.Uthitha Dhandasana Lifted Plank Pose
Step: Bring the left leg back and keep the feet together. Maintain the shoulders above the wrist. Engage the abdomen and the back muscles.
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Mooladhara Chakra
Benefits: Tones up abdomen, arms and the legs. Improves core strength and overall body alignment.
Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha
6. Anjali Nirakunjasana Prayer Heart Pose
Step: Place the knees chest and chin on the floor, stretch the arms forward and press the palms together. Bend the elbows and bring the palms over the head.
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Open the chest, improves the flexibility of the thoracic spine. Strengthens the respiratory system.
Mantra: Om Pushnayae Namaha
7. Poorna Bhujangasana Full Cobra Pose
Step: Slide the body forward and arch the back as much as possible. Lift from the lower abdomen and lengthen the spine.
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Swadhisthana Chakra
Benefits: Rejuvenates the whole body and mind, strengthens the spine. Strengthens the respiratory system and good stretch for the abdominal organs.
Mantra: Om Hiranya Garbaya Namaha
8. Vasisthasana Side Plank Pose
Step: Bring the body parallel to the floor and maintain the arms above the wrist.Turn the body to the left side and stretch the right hand up towards the ceiling. Maintain the hips and shoulders parallel to each other.
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Strengthens the arms and shoulders. Improve obliques strength.
Mantra: Om Marichayae Namaha
9. Parivrtta Aswasanchalanasana Revolved Equestrian Pose
Step: Bring the right leg forward and keep the left knee straight and place the right knee above the right heel. Twist the body to the right side and stretch the right hand up towards the ceiling.
Breathing: Inhale and as you exhale twist the body to the right side
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Improves flexibility of the spine and strengthens and tones the legs. Improves bowel movement.
Mantra: Om Adityaya Namaha
10. Pada Hasthasana Arms Joining the legs Pose
Step: Bend forward from the hips and lock the elbows behind the legs and lengthen
the spine towards the floor.
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Opens the lower back and good stretch for the hamstrings and calf muscles.
Mantra: Om Savitre Namaha
11. Ardha Chandrasana Half Moon Pose
Step: Inhale, raise the arms over the head and extend the spine up as much as
possible and arch the back.
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Swadhisthana Chakra
Benefits: Opens the chest, shoulders, improves body balance and strengthens the legs and back muscles.
Mantra: Om Arkaya Namaha
12. Pranamasana Salutation Pose
Step: Stand tall with the feet together with the palms together in Anjali
mudra in front of the chest.
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Helps improve strength, stability, self confidence, body balance
and courage.
Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
It is good if you can practise Sun Salutation facing the rising sun in the morning and setting sun in the evening. Although Sun Salutation is a good start for Yoga practitioners as a self practice, people with injuries and medical conditions must practise it under expert guidance. Kids will enjoy this practice as it is fun to move around and easy to remember. Every month we will feature different variations of Sun Salutation and tips.
1) This months sun salutation sequence is targeted at the beginners to intermediate level yoga practitioners.
2) Practice some wrist stretching and strengthening poses to prevent wrist compression during plank and side plank poses
3) This sequence contains good core and arm strengthening poses which helps improve strength and the muscle tone of the body
4) Place the knee on the floor in step 8 if you feel painful in the wrist. Change the sides as you repeat the sequence.
5) Practice during the sun rise and sun set facing the sun to get optimum benefit.