Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Cervical spondylosis
The neck is a very delicate part of our body, as a whole bunch of nerves runs down from the brain to the entire body. Any small change in and around the neck will bring about both physical and mental distractions. People suffering from these conditions can benefit a lot by asana practice, which can correct the alignment of the whole body, thereby preventing and protecting them from any further damage.
Cervical spondylosis is an abnormal function of the spinal cord caused by degenerative changes of the disc and facet joints in the neck in adults. The neck consists of 7 cervical vertebrae, which form the upper part of the spine between the skull and the chest. Spondylosis is a disorder caused by the degeneration of the discs, which are soft cushions, between the vertebrae. As the cartilage wears away completely, it can result in bone rubbing to bone.
The vertebrae disc rubs against each together or slips out of position, thus exerting pressure on the nerves. The bones move out of their natural positions causing pain and disability. There may also be abnormal growth or spur on the vertebrae.
In the course of time, this can press down and compress the nerve roots in the spinal canal, causing pain in the shoulders, arms or even legs. People who are active at work or sports are prone to faster wear and tear.
Cervical spondylosis can be created by past neck pain, slipped disc, severe arthritis, over weight and not exercising, normal aging of the disc, thickening of the ligament around the disc, instability of the disc improper alignment of the spinal column.
The pain often develops mildly, then slowly becomes severe. Sometimes it becomes so deep that the suffer cannot move. The following are some common symptoms:
· Headaches · Neck pain and stiffness
· Deep sensations or numbness in the shoulder, arms or legs
· Trouble walking or loss of balance.
· Muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders
· Pain radiating from the arms, and pins and needles
Remedy Yoga can help to strengthen the muscles and increase mobility to the neck. A few gentle asanas can be a great relief from the severe pain.
1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Lie down on the floor facing downwards. Stretch your legs back and lock your knees with the toes pointed. Keep your palms on the sides of the chest. Now inhale and raise you head and shoulders up. The trunk is raised half way; keep both the palms on the sides of the face and the elbow forwards. This pose tones the muscles of the spine and the chest is expanded; the palm supports the head to prevent and severe pain. Stay for 20 -30 seconds and relax.
2. Padahastasna (Standing Forward bending)
Stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose). Keep your feet hip width apart and both hands hold the sides of your head firmly. Inhale, lengthen your spine up and bend forward. Keep your legs straight and the hands supporting the head, feel the release of the spine and the muscles of the upper body to gravity. This pose helps to release the stress on the muscles and compression in the spine. Stay for 30seconds and relax.
3. Neck strengthening
Keep the palms on your forehead and gently press while resisting with your head and hold for ten second. Relax and repeat the same a few times. Now interlock your fingers and place the hands on the back of your head and gently press while resisting with your head. Hold for ten seconds and repeat the same a few times. Place your palms against the side of your head. Now press the head towards the palm and resist the motion until you fill on the side of the head, neck and the shoulder. tay for 5 to 10 seconds and relax. Repeat the same with the other hand on the opposite side.