The most important benefit of yoga is physical and mental therapy. According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine system. Through the practice of yoga, we become aware of the interconnectedness between our emotional, mental inflatable water slide and physical levels.This month, we continue to explore meditation postures and the therapeutic benefits.
Siddhasana Simplified version
1. Fold a blanket or towel to a nice comfortable height of about 5 cm.
2. Sit on the towel with legs bent in front.
3. Next, place the left heel close to the perineum and the right heel on the outside.
4. Form a mudra (hand gesture) by bending the index finger and pressing the thumbs gently on the tip of the index nail.
5. Rest the hands on the knees with arms relaxed.
6. Sit upright with the spine erect. Keep the face and body relaxed, especially the shoulders, hips and legs.
7. Close the eyes and focus on breathing in the nostrils.
8. Stay here as long as desired.
Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
1. Sit on either a folded blanket or a towel that gives a nice comfortable height of about 5 cm.
2. Bend the knees, place your left heel close to the perineum.
3. Next, place the right ankle directly on top of the left ankle.
4. Sit upright, adjusting till comfortable.
5. Form a mudra like in Siddhasana above, placing the hands next to the knees on both sides.
6. Relax the entire body from the toes to the crown.
7. Close the eyes and focus on breathing in the nostrils.
8. Stay here as long as desired.
Benefits: Siddhasana and Ardha Padmasana are great postures for meditation. They help to open tight hips and direct energy from the base to the brain and calms the nerves. They also help to increase blood circulation to the pelvic region, which houses the reproductive organs, keeping them healthy.