Beyond A Physical Practice

Oct 10th, 2017

The most important benefit of yoga is physical and mental therapy. According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems. Through the practice of yoga, we become aware of the interconnectedness between our emotional, mental and physical levels.
From this month, we explore yoga practice with props.

Wide Leg Squats with Props

1. Stand at the back of a chair with legs wider than hip width. Hold onto the top of the chair with hands, shoulder width apart.
2. Inhale, bend down while keeping the spine upright and hips slightly forward. Press the heels firmly to the floor and keep the arms straight.
3. Exhale, stand up again.

This is one set. Practise a round of 10 sets with a short break in between.

Wide leg squats are fun and great for the legs! It Bouncy Castle helps to reduce excess fat from the hips and the thighs, strengthens the bones and tones the legs.

Strengthening and Toning Legs with Support

We made yoga easy! Practising yoga with a support is one of the easiest and fun ways to condition your body and mind. Beginners or those who are overweight may find it useful to do yoga with a support. Let’s explore this!

Strengthening Arms, Chest and Shoulders with Support

1. Come on the knees in front of a chair and place the hands on the corners of the chair.
2. Inhale, straighten the legs while pressing the heels down to the floor. Keep the body in a straight line.
3. Exhale, bend the elbows and lower the chest close to the chair. Keep the elbows tucked in close to the body.
4. Inhale, push the body back into the starting position.

This is one set. Practise 10 sets.

This is a fun and easy workout for strengthening and toning the arms, shoulders and chest

Yoga is for all ages and body types.
Using a strategically placed prop can open your body, increasing range of motion, flexibility, and strength. Sometimes one muscle group becomes dominant because it overworks, which leaves other areas weak and underdeveloped. Using support doesn’t mean collapsing into it. On the contrary, using the prop as feedback provides valuable information, especially about what your unique yoga needs are.

Asana Journal

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