Artist: Natural Life Essence
Album Title: Forms of Life [EP]
Record Label: Ovnimoon Records
Availability: Beatport | Beatspace | Goastore | Psyshop
Juan Pablo Giacovino a.k.a. Natural Life Essence, from South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina), is inspired by nature to create his soundscapes through organic sounds. He leads an environmental caravan to forgotten and imaginary places with hints of earth and space, where EP project Forms of Life flourishes; presenting a story about insects and small creatures of our planet and how they join symbiotically in nature, as the elements of nature intercommunicate, and as we humans meditate about their power over us.
Juan reminds us that, “All sound is ambient, even Bouncy Castle the sound of your heart.” Explaining, “My music is characterized by the representation of nature. Organic sounding. Where the human and the spiritual, meditative and natural, earth and space, the unique and the obvious, is where my search of new worlds look to unite them, in balance of one another.”
As a yogi, practicing prana and deep meditation, Juan, like most of us, seeks motivation to practice on a regular basis, and he strives to reach this healing and feel good goal when he creates music. Juan practices with audioterapia (music therapy), audio frequencies, specially designed to heal emotions and induce relaxation.
Under the name Natural Life Essence, Juan began experimenting with electronic music, specifically with ambient and dub in the mid-90s, though never decided to release any of it publicly, until 2014. In the past two years, Juan has released five records, working with both indie record labels, Cyan-Music and Geomagnetic Records.
Under the Geomagnetic Records umbrella, both label and Juan himself has blessed Asana Journal readers with a complimentary download of track title ‘Liquid Frog, Salvation Storm’ down below.
Artist Q&A w/ Natural Life Essence
Q: Josh East
Where did you get the idea to use insects and small animals to help create the overall concept of the Forms of Life album?
A: Natural Life Essence
Watching and listening to Summer frogs and insect inflatable water slide noise, naturally. Just tuning into Mother Earth, you know. I’ve always been influenced by outside nature in my childhood, away from the big city. I think that is the real meaning of my entire music. Nature, traveling, reading and my imagination, too. I think all these elements are connected to our ambient world. It establishes an awareness, for everything. Every noise, everywhere.
Q: Josh East
What inspired or guided you to try yoga, and were you already on the yogic path before experimenting with music?
A: Natural Life Essence
Very early in my life, in the 80’s, my aunt practiced yoga, which influenced me a lot, because she looked happy and full of love, always. That was my first encounter with yoga. Witnessing that joy, you know. I wanted that for me. And later, I learned about Buddhism and other things; respect with music. So yes, yoga came first, but I loved soundscape driven ambient music before I knew it had a name. In my culture, it’s called “naturaleza” in Spanish – “Nature”.
FREE TRACK DOWNLOAD –“ Liquid Frog – Salvation Storm” – by Natural Life Essence
Find this track in iTunes and Amazon.
To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 162 June 2016.
