Padma Mayurasana / Lotus Peacock Pose

Jul 11th, 2017

This month’s featured pose is Padma Mayuranasa. The name of the pose is derived from the following terms:

padma – lotus

mayura – peacoc

asana – pose

Chakra Awareness
Manipuraha Chakra / Solar Plexus

Practice Level

Degree of Difficulty
(100 being most difficult)



Wrist Stretch

  1. Come down to the floor on the hand and knees, similar to tabletop pose.
  2. Rotate the wrists outwards so that the jumping castle fingers are pointing towards the knees. Maintain both arms straight.
  3. Inhale and on exhale, bring the hips back and feel the stretch on the wrists. Hold for a few breaths.
  4. Repeat several times by moving in and out of the pose together with the breath.

Benefit: Extends the muscles of the wrist to take pressure from the arm balance.


Sphinx Pose Lotus Variation

  1. Sit on the floor in Padmasana.
  2. Place the hands on the floor and lean forward to lift the hips, to come up to the knees.
  3. Slowly walk the hands forward until the front side of the hips and the abdomen can touch the floor.
  4. Bring the elbows to the floor in front of the chest, directly under the shoulders.
  5. Inhale and on exhale, lift the chin and chest up and arch the back, allowing the back to relax while the hips and legs are pressing on the floor.


  1. Coming from Sphinx Pose, lower the upper body to the floor.
  2. Extend the arms forward, above the head.
  3. Inhale and on exhale, aim to lift the arms, chest and knees off the floor. Press the feet on the floor to raise the knees higher.
  4. Hold the pose for 3 counts with light breathing, and slowly come down to the floor.

Benefit: Lengthens the back and opens the chest, while deepening the external hip rotation.


  1. Sit on the floor in Dandasana/Staff pose with the legs straight and back upright.
  2. Place the hands on the shoulders and squeeze the elbows in.
  3. Inhale and on exhale, lean back until the torso is diagonal to the floor. Extend the ankle and point the toes.
  4. Engage the lower abdomen and hold the pose with a few light breaths.
  5. Slowly sit upright and bend the knees to relax the legs.

Benefit: Strengthens the lower back and abdominal muscles.


  1. Lie down on the floor. Lift the legs and bring the legs into Padmasana while still supine.
  2. Slowly lower the legs to the floor. Avoid letting the lower back come off the floor into an arch.
  3. Once the body is flat on the floor, hold the opposite elbow and raise the arms above the head.
  4. Stay in the pose for a few normal breaths and first release the arms, then the legs.

Benefit: Allows the hip to extend bouncy castle without too much pressure in the hip joints, and prepare shoulders for the arm balance...(more)

Final Pose

Use the strength of the back and the hips to lift the legs higher to have it in line with the hips, and look forward.







To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 173  May 2017.

Asana Journal

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