Step 1
Ardha Vrkshasana (Tree Pose – Half Variation)
Step: Stand tall on the left leg and bring the right foot touching the left inner thigh and press the palms in anjali mudra in front of the chest and gaze forward.
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Helps improve strength, stability, self- confidence, body balance and courage.
Step 2
Ardha Chandra Vrkshasana (Half-moon Tree Pose)
Step: Inhale, raise the right hand up and left arm holding the waist. Extend the spine longer and arch the back. Keep the left leg straight.
Mantra: Om Ravayae Namaha Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Vishuddhi Chakra
Benefits: Opens the chest, shoulders, improves body balance and strengthens the legs and back muscles.
Step 3
Baddha Pada Hasthasana (Bound arms joining the leg pose)
Step: Keep the feet on the floor and bend forward from the hips and lock the elbows behind the legs.
Mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Good stretch for the hamstrings. Opens the lower back and stimulates the abdominal organs.
Step 4
Parsva Veerasana (Sideways Warrior Pose)
Step: Bring the right leg back and keep the heels in a straight line. Slide inflables the right hand down the right leg and arch laterally. Keep the hips and shoulders in the parallel alignment.
Mantra: Om Bhanavae Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Swadisthana Chakra
Benefits: Improves back alignment and good stretch for the ribs, intercostal muscles and abdominal organs.
Step 5
Uthitha Ekapada Parsva Adhomukha Svanasana (One leg raised up, lateral downward facing dog pose)
Step: Place the palms and feet in the straight line on the floor. Slowly raise the left leg up and twist the shoulders, chest, hips to the left side and bend the left knee and arch back.
Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Strengthens the arms, shoulders and the back muscles. Good stretch for the hamstrings and calf muscles.
Step 6
Nirakunjasana (Heart pose)
Step: Place the knees, chest and chin on the floor, slowly extend the arms forward straight to the shoulders.
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Mantra: Om Pushnayae Namaha
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Opens the chest, shoulders and lower back. Strengthens the respiratory system.
Step 7
Parivrtta Bhujangasana
Steps: Inhale, move the body forward and raise the torso off the floor, place the hips and the thighs touching the floor. As you exhale, slowly twist your
body to the left side and look at your left heel. Practice the other side.
Breathing: Inhale
Mantra: Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
Awareness: Swadisthana Chakra
Benefits: Improves the lower back curvature of the spine. Good stimulation for the abdominal organs. Rejuvenates the whole body and mind.
Step 8
Uthitha Ekapada Parsva Adhomukha
Svanasana (One leg raised up, lateral downward facing dog pose)
Step: Place the palms and feet in the straight line on the floor. Slowly raise the right leg up and twist the shoulders, chest, hips to the right side and bend the right knee and arch back.
Mantra: Om Marichayae Namaha
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Strengthens the arms, shoulders and the back muscles. Good stretch for the hamstrings and calf muscles.
Step 9
Parsva Veerasana (Sideways Warrior Pose)
Step: Bring the left leg back and tobogã inflavel keep the heels in a straight line. Slide the left hand down the left leg and arch laterally. Keep the hips and shoulders in the parallel alignment.
Mantra: Om Adityaya Namaha
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Swadisthana Chakra
Benefits: Improves back alignment and good stretch for the ribs, intercostal muscles and abdominal organs.
Step 10
Baddha Pada Hasthasana (Bound arms joining the leg pose)
Step: Keep the feet on the floor and bend forward from the hips and lock the elbows behind the legs.
Mantra: Om Savitre Namaha
Breathing: Exhale
Awareness: Manipuraha Chakra
Benefits: Good stretch for the hamstrings. Opens the lower back and stimulates the abdominal organs.
Step 11
Ardha Chandra Vrkshasana (Half-moon Tree Pose)
Step: Inhale, raise the left hand up and right arm holding the waist. Extend the spine longer and arch the back. Keep the right leg straight.
Breathing: Inhale
Awareness: Vishuddhi Chakra
Benefits: Opens the chest, shoulders, improves body balance and strengthens the legs and back muscles.
Step 12
Ardha Vrkshasana (Tree Pose – Half Variation)
Step: Stand tall on the right leg and bring the left foot touching the right inner thigh and press the palms in anjali mudra in front of the chest and gaze forward.
Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Breathing: Normal breathing
Awareness: Anahata Chakra
Benefits: Helps Improve strength, stability, self confidence, body balance and courage.