Yoga and its practitioners are often undervalued and dismissed. And a title doesn’t mean a guru or yogi automatically inherits respect or understanding, neither does a title confer the attributes of its label. But there’s no need to look any further; if you are doing yoga, the honorable yogi is you.
In the general public, many people think yoga is a series of postures, or they misunderstand it as a passive meditation; but this is an easy reductionist convenience made for quick dismissal.
And while yogis know that asana and meditation open up vast awareness and possibility, they also know it’s much more. It’s nearly impossible to explain to others how this is mechanical bull for sale true, but yogis know it as a discipline that readjusts the marrow of one’s soul. Understanding yoga and its benefits takes more than words.
This is why the experience of yoga is the most important part. It’s not about orthodox belief; rather, it’s about practical application and its benefits. Yogis stand, sit, kneel, or pronate on the earth but more importantly, they salute the sun, embrace the warrior, breathe from the depths, and release the obstacles of ego. Understanding this happens by doing it.
Yoga takes every investment of time and multiplies the effects; and though it’s hard, requiring both a discipline and ability to enjoy a challenge, the honorable yogi is changed by a covenant of renewal.
Inhabiting the spiritual center, the honorable yogi breathes deep and drinks from the well of wisdom. Sipping from this well empowers all of us to pose life’s questions to the One that surrounds, abides within, and is at the same time beyond. We do yoga and we embrace each layer that greets us every time we strike a pose and ask:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What’s my purpose?
To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 167 November 2016.