Lower back pain is generally called lumbago. Lumbago is also used to describe mild to severe lower back pain.
Depending on the intensity and the pain of the muscle contracted, it can be either acute or chronic lumbago. Acute lumbago can become chronic if not treated or the sufferer does not rest well.
It is not uncommon to suffer lower back pain. A youngster can suffer it; so can an elderly. It can be a result of poor posture or sudden movement; through coughing and sneezing, getting up or sitting down.
Most commonly, lumbago affects those involved in physical activities, from sports person to labourer carrying heavy goods and so on. Pain can be sudden and severe – acute; and may last for a few weeks to three months – chronic.
When there is pain in the lower back, bending forward and backwards become extremely difficult. There can be excruciating pain when the patient starts moving. Wheresa the lumbago complaints diminish quickly when either walking or standing up.
Common symptoms of lumbago include the following:
• Stiff back due to spasm of the muscles surrounding the spine
• Lower back pain may radiate into the buttocks, back of the thigh, and into the groin
• Severe pain and muscle spasm can tilt the spine and the hip to one side causing changes in the posture
• Numbness in the back or buttocks or leg, due to the tingling sensation from the touch of a nerve (sciatica)
• Difficulty in bending forward and leaning back
Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana
(Revolved Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend)
1. Stand in tadasana, keeping the legs 4 to 5 feet apart.
2. Press the feet frimly down and extend the trunk up from the hip.
3. Lift the chest up and shoulders back.
4. Exhale, bend the trunk about halfway down.
5. Place the palms on a block right underneath the shoulder in the centre.
6. Keep the tops of the thighs pulled back and extend the trunk from the buttocks to the head.
7. Press the left palm firm on the block, swing the right side up and revolve the trunk.
8. Extend the spine forward and keep the arms level with the shoulders.
9. Stay for 2-3 breaths and repeat the same on the left side.
Benefits: This increases flexibility; and stretches the hamstrings, calves, hips, low back and spine. It relieves the stiffness in the upper back and shoulders.
To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 150 June 2015.