We move our neck hundreds of time each day without even thinking about it. Most of the time we use our neck muscles without reason. Only when we find our neck crooked and it becomes unbearable to do certain things, we realise that something is not alright with the neck.
Neck pain is mostly caused by strain on the muscles around the neck. Such strains eventually lead to limitation in the mobility of the neck. jumping castleThe pain can be anywhere from the bottom to the top of the neck. It is common among mature people.
Usually any pain or stiffness in the upper extremities, like the shoulders, upper back or arm arise from neck pain. Neck pain is also reason for some neurological conditions like headache, dizziness, numbness in the arms.
If neck pain lasts longer, it can become a chronic pain and can cause fatigue, depression and anxiety. It hinders day-to-day activities.
Common symptoms include:
• Stiff or tender neck
• Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arm or hand
• Electrified sensation like a shock in the arms and hands
• Spread to the upper back, shoulders or arms
• Prolonged headaches which are common and may last for months
Sukhasana (Easy Pose Lateral Stretching)
1. Sit in sukhasana – easy cross legged position.
2. Keep the seat firm, lifting the trunk up vertically.
3. Take the right hand to the left ear. Exhale, gently draw the head to the right shoulder.
4. Keep the chin lifted and breathe normally.
5. Release the hand and lift the head back to the centre.
6. Repeat by placing the left hand on the right ear and drawing the head to the left shoulder.
7. Repeat this about 2-3 times on both sides.
Benefits: This stretches the muscles around the neck laterally. It relieves spasms and stiffness.
Sukhasana (Strengthening in Easy Pose)
Sides of the head:
1. Sit in sukhasana.
2. Keep the spine erect and the chest lifted.
3. Place the left palm on the left side of your face.
Press the palm on the face while resisting the push.
4. Relax and do the same on the right side of the face.
To read the full article please download our Asana Journal App or purchase Issue 151 July 2015.