Tag : yoga philosophy

Yoga Philosophy

The key to this world, and beyond

Manifested creation, of which humans are a part, has the inherent tendency of movement. The movement is either upwards or downwards, be it the spiritual world or the commercial world or your emotional...
Sep 30th, 2017
Yoga Philosophy

Gifts from the Core

If yoga and meditation are paths to fully discover the central kernel of who and what we are, then the second task of core work during a yogi’s growth aims to strengthen this sense of self. This is ...
Sep 7th, 2016
Yoga Philosophy

Influence on Your Decision-making

The way we make decisions in our life is a measure of how well the practice of meditation and yoga has been inculcated. It is extremely important to realise that in any situation, you have the power t...
Aug 24th, 2016
Yoga Philosophy

The Temple of the Heart

I often hear comments from yoga teachers in typically western and/ or affluent cultures describing the ways they are requested to teach yoga from their employers. More often than not, if it’s a cor...
Aug 24th, 2016
Yoga Philosophy

Crime of the Century

As the 21st century unspooled, yoga has increasingly taken on the after look in a before and aftermath crime-scene photo. One hundred years ago it looked like a lot of class. Fifty years ago it got a ...
Aug 24th, 2016
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