Tulasi is a widely celebrated herb globally. However, the article below is a representation of an extensive research conducted by School...
Tag : Yoga retreat
Yoga Philosophy
The concepts of Rajayoga – Respect
To know one’s own worth and to honor the worth of others is the true way to earn respect. Respect is an acknowledgement of the inherent w...

How Yoga Taught Me to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff
Those who have never practiced yoga before have an image of yogis as mellow, extra-flexible hippies. While you don’t need to be flexib...

Yoga Philosophy
The Physical Body in Meditation
The body during a deep meditation becomes exceptionally relaxed, but not limp in any way. The state of heightened awareness and expansio...

Yoga Philosophy
Ego is a badgered word. Every time we catch ourselves doing something that we feel reflects an ugly side of us we blame it on the ego. I...

Yoga Philosophy
Yoga — a mind-body practice — is considered one of many types of complementary and integrative health approaches. Yoga brings togeth...

Yoga Practice
Parivrtta Hanumanasana/ Revolved Monkey Pose
This month’s featured pose is extra...

Ayurveda Talks
Ayurveda For Women
Being a small part of the universal yin– the role of a woman is like that of Mother Nature. A woman is a miniscule embodiment of Jiva ...

Yoga Teacher Training at Sixty-Three (and with a broken toe)
Suryanamaskara A
I’m in Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Downward Facing Dog, on my fifth Ujjayi breath of Suryanamaskara A Sun Saluta...

Yoga Therapy
Meditation and its Physical, Energetic and Mental benefits
Meditation is one of the most natural and yet most pro foundly rewarding of all human activities. Practised on a daily basis it produces...