Yogis have been attempting to articulate the importance of pranayama for centuries, and the effort is still relevant because when a pers...
Tag : Yoga retreat
Yoga Therapy
Science Says, “Doing Yoga Everyday Keeps Menstrual Disorders at Bay�
Menstrual disorders have become quite common these days. 1 out of 5 women complains of such disorders every other day including heavy me...

Yoga Feature
From Drug & Alcohol Addiction to yoga and meditation
Shane Griffin is a successful entrepreneur and life coach who went from the party scene of owning nightclubs across North America, to se...

Ayurveda Talks
Herbs to enhance beauty
Though Ayurveda describes many herbs, combinations and formulations, few chosen herbs can do real magic on human beauty. These herbs are...

Yoga Philosophy
Few Diseases & Rajayoga
The practice of Rajayoga as described in the earlier discussions benefits many people suffering from minor psychological problems known ...

Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy for depression
What was once a rare phenomenon has now become as casual as falling sick. Depression is taking a toll on many lives in the current tendi...

Yogic Diet
Vegan almond cake with orange blossom water

Yoga Feature
Erin Patten: Using Meditation To Help Lead A Successful Life!
Erin Patten is an extraordinary woman. From her days living and learning in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to graduating from the joint degree ...

Yoga Practice
Viparita Koormasana/Inverted Tortoise Pose

Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy for Sciatica
Sciatica refers to the nerve that runs along the sacral part of the vertebrae. It is the single largest nerve in the human body. It runs...