Tag : Yoga Class


My Yoga Journey

Hi, I’m Julie. I’m a recovering cardio-exercise addict and this is my journey towards making peace with myself and incorporating Yoga along the way. I’ve been addicted to over-exercising sinc...
Nov 25th, 2017
Yoga Philosophy

The Three Kinds of Happiness

The eighteen chapters in Bhagavad Gita, the 700-verse Hindu scripture, are designated each as a type of Yoga. Chapter 18, “Freedom through Renunciation”, describes three kinds of happiness “whic...
Nov 24th, 2017
Yoga Feature

Practising Yoga for Happiness

What is happiness? Is it something acquired from sources outside of the self, is it something found within every human being, or is it something carefully developed within us? Studies on happiness ove...
Nov 18th, 2017
Yoga Feature

The Key to Happiness

Geshe Michael Roach has spent 4 days teaching the Lady Niguma’s Yoga Series during his last visit to Hong Kong, which reflected the significance of these simple yet powerful asanas. What I love abou...
Nov 17th, 2017

My Yoga Journey

I started attending Yoga class in 2003 in a gym club on and off for half a year. When I look back now, it is clear to me that I was not doing it correctly at that time. I did Konasana by resting my el...
Nov 15th, 2017
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