There are some constants common to all yoga classes, from beginner instruction to the push and pull of Ashtanga, from the ease of gentle restorative classes to the drumbeat of Bikram. On...
All posts by Asana Journal
The Purpose of Life – Through Rajayoga
'What is the purpose of life?’, has been a matter of contemplation for many philosophers, scientists, sociologist and saints. Purpose is defined as the reason for which something exist...

Yoga Feature
Yoga, Soviet Style – Interview with Andrei Siderski
Andrei Siderski started his career as a competitive swimmer, later becoming a licensed professional diver, diving instructor, and free-diver. In 1981-1983, based on yoga swimming techniq...

From Cancer Girl to My True Self

Brittany Krystantos: Not Your Average Yogi!

Yogic Diet
Cucumber Salad with Fresh Mint and Toasted Walnuts
Cucumber, squash, pumpkin and watermelon are part of the same family. Because they are made up of 95 percent water, they will keep you hydrated during the

Lauding Encinitas school board for funding yoga, Hindus urge yoga in a
Hindus have commended Encinitas Union School District (EUSD) Board of Trustees in California for reportedly approving funding a health and wellness program which includes yoga.

Yoga Teacher’s Training for Jewish women to be held in Jerusalem
A 200-hour Intensive Yoga Teacher Training Program, claimed to be the “first yoga training in the world to cater to Jewish women” is being launched in Jerusalem in July, with a follo...

Hindus welcome Frankfurt Airport upgrade plans to include yoga rooms
Hindus have welcomed reported plans of Frankfurt Airport, a major international airport in Germany, to invest about $113 million in upgrades/makeover which include yoga rooms.